Jeremy Doherty and his friend, David, were out for a motorcycle ride at about 4:30 PM on Sunday, May 31, 2009. They were on Harvey-Shaw Rd. just north of the penitentiary. From what David can tell, Jeremy looked in his side mirror briefly. While Jeremy was approaching a corner, he must have not been paying attention for just a split second and didn't turn. He went off a 15- to 20-foot dirt embankment, bounced down a couple levels and slid into a field, eventually coming to rest in a 6-foot deep irrigation ditch. He was going about 55 mph (the speed limit) and had all of his protective gear on.
David immediately called 911 and help arrived in about 15 minutes. The ambulance arrived first and then the EMTs decided to have him life flighted to Yakima Regional Hospital.
He arrived in Yakima about 7:00 PM. He had a black eye, a fractured fifth metacarpal (the bone between the pinky knuckle and wrist) and severe brain trauma.
After some time at Yakima Regional, Jeremy was moved to Southwest Idaho Advanced Care Hospital in Boise, ID, closer to home for to continue healing. He was then moved to the rehabilitation facilities at Saint Alphonsus, then to Boise Health and Rehabilitation Center, Elks Rehabilitation Center and back to Boise Health and Rehabilitation. Now Jeremy has been moved again and is home at his parents' house in Meridian, ID--for good.
Visitors are welcome!