Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day - June 21, 2009

Good afternoon from Boise.

Debi and Greg are having a late lunch out this afternoon with Greg's folks. Papa Bill took the early shift this morning, so Debi & Greg could sleep in. Wanda & I are providing the break. Wanda is with Jeremy. Since I'm still coughing from my cold last week, I'm in the waiting room with my computer and the U.S. Open on the TV.

Jeremy had a restful evening and seems to be doing well today. They took him off the ventilator this morning at 6:30. So far, he is still breathing on his own. They are hoping to wean him from the ventilator so they can begin therapy. So far so good.

They're still asking us to keep visitors to a bare minimum. It would take a squad of Bill's old Army buddies in full Iraqi battle gear to keep Wanda and Kim out of Jeremy's room. The nurses don't stand much of a chance. But for the rest of us, alas. If you want, though, feel free to contact Debi and Greg to talk with them and love on them a bit.

Thanks for checking in and for praying. We'll keep you posted.

posted by Mike


  1. Jeremy I am sending you lots of love! Greg and Debi, I am sending you lots, too! I am so glad that you are all home now, we are praying!


  2. Mike, thanks again for keeping the blog up to date. Could you provide any more detail as to what types of treatment Jeremy's therapy will include? What will the medical staff be doing and why do they need him off the ventilator for it? I'm not familiar with brain injury rehab and am very curious.

  3. J,

    I haven't heard yet what the treatments and therapy will be. Leaving the ventilator is the next big step in his recovery. Lowers his risk of infection, respiratory problems, etc. One less machine to move around, drag around when physical therapy starts.

    When I find out, we'll be letting you folks know.


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