Thursday, February 4, 2010

February 4-ELKS

At about 2:30 today we got final approval on the transfer. Evidently someone had given the insurance company the impression that Jeremy's transfer had been put on hold. The social worker called and explained what was going on, did they need anything more from them and explained that NO it was not on hold, they wanted to get Jeremy transferred as soon as possible. They said OK, that was fine. They decided than instead of rushing things today they would just set it up for 8 am tomorrow.

We will miss the staff at Boise Health and Rehab but we are excited about this new phase of Jeremy's recovery.

Jeremy's new address for the next phase is:
Elks Rehabilitation Center, 600 Robbins Road, Boise, ID 83702 We will let you know the room # tomorrow.

Thank you for your prayers, love and support.

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