Sunday, April 4, 2010

April 4

Stephen, Courtni, Kristen and Eric came to see Jeremy for awhile today and they planned an Easter egg hunt. First they had some hard boiled eggs and some shrink wrap decorations for the eggs. Jeremy had to put the sleeve on the egg and then we put it in boiling water to make it conform to the egg. Then we had him decorate some of the eggs with stickers. You could see the part of Jeremy's personality that said "this is silly", but he did it smiling and laughing. It challenged him to put the shrink wrap on the egg. Kristen and Courtni assisted and cheered him on.

It was freezing cold outside so we decided to do the hunt the large dining room. The other option was the halls - we went for the dining room. Stephen and Eric turned it into an exercise session (since he doesn't get therapy on weekends anymore). If the egg was on the floor - they helped him lean over to pick it up. If it was up high - they helped him reach for it. If it was in the middle of a large table - they helped him lean forward to get it. They all had a lot of fun. Jeremy loooovvvveeeessss having his brothers (& Courtni & Kristen) around! AND Greg and I love watching them together.

We continue daily with the "brain games". His body may not be getting as much exercise as we would like but his mind is getting hours of exercise workout! He continues to make steady progress in this part.

Thank you for your prayers & support!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the daily blogs. Wish we could have been there to watch, help & have fun with you guys. Always in our prayer!

    Pastor Mike & Marilyn


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