Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May 4

Jeremy had a doctor apt today about his right arm. They had decided to try Botox again and this time target the muscles that are associated with his wrist and hand. Last time they did it they targeted his shoulder and elbow muscles. When he is lying down he moves his elbow pretty normally. When he is sitting up for some reason he holds it very tight to his side. The next 3 weeks is our window of opportunity to work on that hand and see if we can avoid surgery. If the Botox doesn't work surgery is the next option. They would do the same type of thing that they did on his ankles.

The nurse and the therapist at the doctors office were pleased with the progress that Jeremy has made is the past 3 weeks since the last office visit. They felt that even his right hand was moving a little better.

In the past month since Jeremy has been "taking control" back, sometimes it is harder for me to get him to WANT to exercise. He is to the point where he has to want it and DO IT! Please remember him in your prayers. None of this is going to get easier!

Thank you for those prayers!

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