Thursday, July 9, 2009

Evening Post

Jeremy did indeed have a busy day. The day started with the respiratory therapist coming in and announcing that they wanted to cap his trach. Two minutes later they came in with a chair that physical therapy wanted to sit Jeremy up in. They decided to come back and give Jeremy a little while to adjust to breathing through his mouth again. Jeremy handled that like a pro!

Sitting up in the wheel chair was a different story. That made him a little tense. He was up for 1 hour but they are going to try a different type of chair tomorrow or as soon as they can get a different chair that will work better. Jeremy is still posturing and it makes it hard to sit in a chair when that happens. He has to learn to relax.

We were also told that one of Jeremy's cultures came back with a antibiotic resistant bug. When we go in to see him now we have to put on gloves and a gown.

The day ended in a very special way today. A group of friends got together and had special prayer over Jeremy. It was a special time to surround him with love and give it all over to the Lord. We realize that all of you do that on a daily basis and we appreciate that so much.

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