Saturday, October 10, 2009

October 10

It has been great to spend time with Jeremy again today. Jeremy is SO much more responsive than last time we were here, two weeks ago. Stephen, Kristen and I went early this morning to feed Jeremy breakfast so that Greg and Debi could get some extra rest. We had a lot of fun asking Jeremy questions and seeing him nod yes and no. We also liked seeing Jeremy using the little computer that speaks for him.

Jeremy seemed to enjoy the enchiladas I made him for lunch. He told us (by nodding) that his throat and stomach still hurt a little. I think part of his hesitation to eat is that, and the other part, is just plain being tired of hospital food. They're once again supplementing his food with tube feedings since he's having a hard time eating enough calories during the day.

We did some stretches with Jeremy and practiced sitting up on the edge of the bed. Stephen sat behind Jeremy holding/propping him up from behind. Debi sat in front of Jeremy and stopped his feet from sliding while pulling him forward by the arms.

Jeremy had a visit from Bill and also from a group of musicians that sang a couple songs to him. He really seemed to enjoy that. We've been working with Jeremy to try to make a new sound. Something other than the AHHHH!! noise we've been getting. Every once in a while, AAHHH would turn to MMMM when he gets his lips closed. Baby steps towards talking.

Thank you to all who keep Jeremy in your thoughts and prayers. Just the knowledge that so many people are thinking about and praying for Jeremy keeps all of our spirits up.

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