Wednesday, March 3, 2010

March 3

It was determined today that they would wait until next week to discharge Jeremy from the Elks. The doctor wants to wait and see if this procedure that Jeremy is having tomorrow will help him stand more freely. There is a chance that the in-balance is in his brain and not due to his ankles. They can't be sure until they try this. They could "fix" his ankles and his balance still be off. One of those new paths that he has not rebuilt.

In occupational therapy today they took Jeremy in a small room with a computer. They opened a "game" - tick-tack-toe. Only this "game" would flash, at first 3 X's on the screen and Jeremy had to remember where they were. He had to click on the square that the X had flashed in. They quickly determined that 3 X's was too easy so they went to 5. That was too easy so they sped up how long (or short) the X's were up there. I blinked one time and missed it, but Jeremy did not. After 10 minutes or so of this they went on to something harder.

Jeremy will be going to St Al's in the morning for his outpatient procedure. Thank you for your prayers and support. Pray that this works!

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