Saturday, April 10, 2010

April 10

The general opinion of the staff at Boise Health and Rehab is that Jeremy regressed during his time at the Elks. I was really hoping that it was our imagination but NO, several people have stopped us in he hallway to express their concern. We just tell them we brought Jeremy back to them to turn things around before we take him home. Stop this downward trend.

We had a "family meeting" Friday with the Social worker, head nurse and the head therapist to discuss "the plan" to take Jeremy home. We set a tentative date - one month from now. May 12th. That date may be adjusted. Two people from Boise health and Rehab will come out next week to assess Jeremy's room and tell us what we need to add. Bars here or there, etc.

Things that have to done before bringing him home are:
Jeremy's room has to be finished
Jeremy's wheelchair has to be ordered - finally!!!!! (Has to be ordered by the last place he is at before going home. )
A bed has to be ordered
AND we have to find someone to care for him while we are at work. Hours to be determined by the state after he is discharged. We will have to interview agencies and people for that position. We will probable be looking for someone Jeremy's age - with a strong back. They will have to help move 200 pound Jeremy several times a day!

Please continue to pray that all goes according to Gods plan. We NEED His help! Thank you


  1. That sounds like a lot to plan! I applaud you guys and the work you're doing! Go Team-Doherty!

  2. I'm so sorry to hear that his progress has been hindered. It's so frustrating to read these things from so far away sometimes! Please tell Jeremy I am thinking of him!

    Kellie Wutzke


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