Monday, October 4, 2010

October 4

Jeremy finally got his own wheelchair! It has all the bells and whistles that the loaner had and there are still a few issues we need to resolve. They will be by today to (hopefully) resolve some of those issues. He is so tall that when they put the leg extensions on the foot pieces sit on the floor. Jeremy has to remember (and he does remember) to tilt it back slightly so he doesn't scrape the floor when he drives it.

He has also started with a new therapy group. This one is an outpatient program associated with St Als hospital. S.T.A.R.S (St. Al Rehab Services). He goes 2 days a week and does the regular Physical, Occupational and Speech therapies. Then on Friday he goes to pool therapy. Last Friday was his first time at pool therapy and with a floating device and some assistance he WALKED across the pool. He was pretty proud of himself. They are all 1 hour long sessions and at the end of the hour in the pool he was exhausted but it was worth it!!!!! We can hardly wait to see what this week brings.

Thank you for your continued prayers!

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