Monday, June 29, 2009

New Pictures Up!

Jeremy is covered in all our prayers, literally! Pam Murray made this beautiful prayer quilt! See this and other new photos from this weekend in the photo album. To get there, go to the bottom of the right column on this page, and click on Jeremy's picture.


  1. I am so glad that his eyes are open. That makes me feel a little better about everything going on with him. I just wanted to say that I found out about this all today and I wish that someone(they know who they are) would of told me sooner. No one knows me but Jeremy Knew me pretty well. I really wish I would of known about this sooner. I am so heart broken to hear about this and I wish his whole family that he gets better soon with not very much brain damage. I was wondering where he has been the past month since I hadn't seen him and now I know. Once he is allowed visitors I will be on my way to see him. You are all in my heart and I am hoping for the best. Please let me know when or if I am allowed to visit him. Whitney knows me and can tell you who I am.
    Anyways you are all in my heart and I hope to hear from someone soon.

  2. Jeremy looks great, I am anxious to see him again! You are all so strong, our prayers continue! -Kellie

  3. I just knew God had you surrounded by angels and covered with His love. Just look at all the hearts covering you..And just look at your beautiful eyes..You are blessed Jeremy. You have a loving, supportive, positive family and a loving supportive, positive extended family. We all love and miss you here at the USACE. You just have to bring back that contagious smile...
    I am giving your brother hugs to bring to you.
    God bless you and may He get on the stick with this healing thing......When I pray for something, I expect it NOW.. ASAP.
    "It was then that I carried you" Candy (Security Officer Jones)


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