Wednesday, January 6, 2010

January 6

We went to see the doctor today. The appointment was at 4:30 so Jeremy was a little tired, but I still think the doctor was impressed with his progress. We spent the better part of an hour discussing our goals for Jeremy when he goes back to Elks' or Al's rehab program. Our long term goal is to be able to bring him home. So any other goal has to work to that end. We discussed the pros and cons of both rehab programs. We have no idea how long it will take to get him back into one of those programs. I guess it starts with the doctor - and the insurance company!! My guess is that it's more the insurance company than the doctor. I'm sure the doctor would love to have him back. We will continue to pray about it and see what God has planned! Jeremy and his doctor have one thing in common, they both have GREAT smiles. They were both smiling today.

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